(352) FASTTEK | (352) 327-8835
FASTTEK GLOBALpowered by Fast Switch - Great Lakes
(352) FASTTEK | (352) 327-8835
Resources & Initiatives
Doing the right thing is our mantra


FastTek Global's Green Initative

In 2019 FastTek Global went green. We took it upon ourselves to reduce our waste, recycle and reuse all our paper products, turn off our lights as often as possible, use energy saving lightbulbs, unplug our electronic devices once charged and use less water.

How to Create a Green Environment


At FastTek global we first try to reuse all of our paper products. We print on the back of paper we already used, take notes on the back of paper we already used and use our shredded paper to pack packages. One we use paper products as much as we can we make sure to recycle them. 

We took this one step further with recycling our soda cans and bottles. Our office does not offer a bottle recycling service, so each week one team member will take home all bottles use that week to recycle them either at a store or at their house. 


At FastTek we turn off the lights every time we leave a room. We even printed out reminders and placed them by light switches in our office so team members remember to turn off the light when they leave. We took this one step further and promoted unplugging devices that are already charged or not in use to help save energy. 


To reduce our use of plastic water bottle use we started using a water filter in our office, team members are encouraged to bring their own water bottles and fill them up using our water filter rather that using single-use plastic bottles. We also encourage our team members to use less water when possible. This includes running our dishwasher less frequently and not leaving our sink running. 

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